The West African Institute of Public Health (WAAPH) Virtual Internship Programme 2021.

The West African Institute of Public Health (WAIPH) is the largest regional public health organization in the African region with a global community of over 6000 members. The flagship semi-autonomous department of the Institute known as the West African Academy of Public Health (WAAPH) or the Academy of Public Health (APH) is focused on certifications and growing professional members’ skills and competence. Its bouquet of offerings includes an internship suite called the virtual internship programme (VIP).

The VIP is a work experience programme where the intern gains experience while working as part of a cohort and teams remotely to garner some key professional skills. The VIP is an award–winning programme which has enabled many former participants to get their footing after graduation, and find employment opportunities with solid grip in public health–related domains.

Aims and Objectives

• To improve knowledge of youths on global health information and resources.

• To strengthen leadership skills including advocacy and teamwork skills.

• To enhance health knowledge, peer conversation and healthy behaviors, nurture and strengthen career aspirations and provide guidance.

Main responsibilities and functions of Virtual Interns


All interns are expected to.

• Participate actively in the online training and commit to a minimum of two hours per week. .

• Take guided online courses from portals. .

• Have active social media accounts on Twitter and LinkedIn. .

• Promote key public health activities/ programmes on social media. .

• Participate effectively in tweet chats, interviews, articles, campaigns and meetings. .

• Bring new ideas, develop content and promote the approved material. .

• Support organizational socials by amplifying messages with communication leads. .

• Submit a written monthly report of their activities using WAAPH-VIP report template. .

• Engage, learn and be guided by notable health figures as assigned by VIP coordinator.

Key topics to be covered

• Health Literacy .

• Basic Public Health Informatics.

• Global health.

• Risk Communication.

• Concept of Planetary Health.

• Mental Health.

• Adolescent Health.

• Universal Health Coverage.

• Neglected Tropical Diseases.

• Emerging and Reemerging Diseases.

• Advocacy.

• Quality of Care.

• Social Voice Accountability.


The interns will be tasked with the following; .

• Social media advocacy on trending health issues. .

• Research and reporting on selected public health issues. .

• Peer-to-peer knowledge exchange on different health themes .

• Stepdown training in immediate communities & circles of influence.

Report Day

This would be done once in a month to report overall monthly activities to VIP Coordinator.

Benefits for the Interns

• Interns will have an edge in their career aspirations since they are recent graduates and entry level staff gearing to gain an edge in the industry. .

• Increased knowledge and expertise about requisite hands-on skills. .

• Depending on performance, past interns may be recruited as assistants or full-time staff on future projects. .

• Improved communication, broadened access to public health information and enhanced health literacy. .

• Health advocacy skill set is developed. .

• Team work and Networking: This will give interns the opportunity to form good rapport among themselves and with their mentors. .

• Institutional Reference Letter (IRL) for jobs from the Academy and Mentor, VIP Certificate of Participation (CoP) and Certified Graduate Membership of the Academy would be issued. (The latter would be based on performance and at the discretion of the Executive Director of the Academy of the West African Institute of Public Health) .

Applicant Profile.

Recent graduates, between the ages of 20-30 (within 2-year post-graduation window) who have the passion to make a difference in the lives of people with a good grasp of English language and Information Technology are encouraged to apply.

Method of Application

Interested applicants should send mail expressing their Interest, Subject: “VIP Application” and a CV (PDF format: 2-page max) as attachment to; [email protected]

Application Deadline: 8th February 2021

NB: NGOs may recommend applicants for the programme from their entry level staff or current interns for the programme.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage