Ways In Which You Can Protect Your Information When Using Wireless Technology.

Compared to recent years, analysis shows that wireless technology has become more available, affordable and straightforward to use since it allows people to speak or data to be transferred from one point to a different point without using cables or wires.

It's vital to secure the wireless network so the data can not be misused by unauthorised users. Therefore, if you’re considering using wireless technology, as an end user this is why cyber awareness is very important. Cyber-crime shows no signs of slowing down and cyber-attack has the potential to debilitate an organisation which is why you as an end user need to have an understanding about cybersecurity best practices and the way to shield your information from any cyber threat.
Here we'll enlighten you on possible ways you'll secure your wireless technology,
be it;

  1.  Wi-Fi
  2. Infrared Communication
  3. Broadcast Radio
  4. Satellite Communication
  5. Microwave Communication
  6. Bluetooth Technology

With the subsequent guidelines, you can protect your information on any of your
wireless technology when you;

  1. Make your network invisible
  2. Rename your wireless network
  3. Encrypt your network traffic
  4. Change your administrator password
  5. Be cautious with file sharing
  6. Make sure to update your wireless technology regularly.

You can take steps to confirm that your data remains private. When using wireless technology for business purposes, confirm that your network is secure. Identifier broadcasting helps wireless access points announce their presence to wireless-enabled computers.

Since you’re the only one who has to know you've got a wireless network in your home, you do not need the identifier broadcasting, therefore, the best thing to do is visit your access point’s user manual for instructions on how to disable identifier broadcasting.

A default credential comes with wireless technology. The default credentials are managed by various manufacturers and are generally known, anybody who is familiar with that very same name can easily gain access to your network which can expose your information and also makes your network at risk of cyberthreat.

The default name is known to be called Service Set Identifier(SSID) or Extended Service Set Identifier(ESSID). So, it's advisable to alter the default credentials to a more suitable but yet difficult name only you recognize.


Encryption is all about keeping your online activities, personal and business-related information safe from the eyes of third parties.

Therefore, your wireless device should allow you to encrypt the traffic passing between the device and your computers by converting it to a code which will only be interpreted by the computers with the proper key to it code.


To make it tougher for hackers to crack since your wireless access point is probably going to be built with a default password and for the very fact that their default passwords are widely known which makes it more easier for anyone to gain unauthorised access to your wireless technology.

It's advisable to alter your administrator password to something really difficult to guess, and contains characters without including any personal information.


Without proper security measures in place to protect your information when using file sharing, you are at risk of introducing and may give away access to your information to an unauthorised personnel.

You must disable this feature on your wireless technologies if you do not have to share files and furthermore allocate a directory if you need to share files and do not open your entire hard drive when you want to use it for file sharing. Also make sure to accompany your file together with a difficult password to guard whatever you’re sharing.

While protecting your information when using wireless technology is usually difficult, new patches will always be provided by your wireless technology manufacturer so check regularly for new updates from the manufacturer’s site and update your software.

NOTE: The overall advice on how to protect your information when using wireless technology is to bear in mind how data is transmitted and be wary of any malicious software.